
Research and development of the Next-generation energy

To promote the development of a society based on sustainable energy structure

Sustainable Energy Zero Emission process Hydrogen Energy

Development of materials for solar cell and fuel cell

In-liquid plasma method a technology in which plasma is generated inside bubbles in a liquid and a high-temperature chemical reaction filed is supplied to the liquids. A rapid temperature gradient toward the gas-liquid interface from the center of plasma is a suitable environment for synthesizing various materials. We are investigating the materials for the solar cell, the fuel cell or the storage battery with next generation energy technology.

多孔質SiC膜 炭素皮膜タングステンナノワイヤー カーボンナノチューブ ナノ粒子
Porous SiC Film Carbon-coated WO3 Nanowires CNTs Nanoparicles

Decomposition of Harmful Substance and the production of fuel gas

Freon, dioxin and PCB are harmful substances that have caused environmental concerns. It may now be possible to more efficiently breakdown these substances and render them harmless. Not only is highly efficient fuel generation made possible, but it is also possible to attain it as a by-product of the carbon materials production process.

If flammable gases such as hydrogen can be synthesized while simultaneously solidifying the carbon, it becomes possible to crate flammable gases without emitting CO2.

Decomposition of Methane hydrate and harvesting the hydrogen gas

In Japan, a country which has scarce energy resources, methane hydrate is an important research topic as a next generation fuel resource to replace petroleum and natural gas. Any CO2 or other carbon components produced will be directly fixed under the ocean when the methane gas is harvested by plasma decomposition of the hydrates.

メタンハイドレートの分解/回収 メタンハイドレートの分解/回収

Development of Advanced Medical Technology

 The mission of this research positively utilizes acoustic energy such as sound wave, ultrasonic wave or elastic wave..
 If thin metal wire or if coaxial cables are used, it will be possible to generate plasma on the tip of the catheter. We are continuing to conduct research into using our technology in medical treatment equipment capable of such things as opening blocked blood vessels or destroying tumor cells.


超音波と高周波を利用した血栓破壊装置 同軸ケーブル型プラズマ発生装置
Japanese Patent Application No. 2005-122923
Device for thrombus destruction using ultrasound and plasma
Plasma electrode
(Coaxial cable type)

Effective Utilization of Acoustic Energy

The mission of this research positively utilizes acoustic energy such as sound wave,ultrasonic wave or elastic wave.



Heat & Mass Transfer Lab.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Ehime Univ.
3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama Ehime 790-8577, Japan
Tel: 089-927-9723
Fax: 089-927-9744
Email: plasma(at)
  • Ehime Univ.
  • Dept. of Mech. Eng., Ehime Univ.