Liquid Flow nearby Tip of Progressive Gas in A Horizontal Tube.


 At gas-liquid two phase flow in heated tube wall of pipe lines such nuclear reactor, heat exchanger and chemical plant, a liquid is vaporizing because of heating, the liquid is running out in the end and the tube wall is directly heated. If the heating gose on at this rate, it will be very dangerous state that the tube is melted and breaked.(This phenomenon is called "burnout" in techical term.)
 So, in our study, as basic research of such the heat transfer phenomenon, we aim for an improvement in the safety by studying the relation ship between the velocity in the tube, the thickness of residual liquid film in the wall and the shape of the tip of the bubble.

 We are shooting the shape of the tip of the bubble with high speed video camera and are analyzing the gas-liquid interfase (free surfase) using finite element method (FEM), for clearing relathionship between the velocity of the tip of the bubble in the tube and the shape of its.

The experimental device