- Profile -

Be careful that a Japanese character code mixes in this text.

Name Manabu TAKAHASHI (高橋 学)
Qualifications Doctor of Engineering
(Nagaoka University of Technology)
Designation Professor


1993.3 Dr. of Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Mutoh Laboratory
1993.4 Sumitomo Metal Technology, INC
1995.4 Ehime University, Dept. of Mech. Eng.
Resarch Associate
2000.4 Associate Professor
2011.4 Professor
2016.4 Faculty of Collaborative Regional Inovation, Dep. Industriy Inovation

Triathlon, Swimming,  Bicycle riding, Running, Baseball, Skiing

Personal page


3 Bunkyo-cho Matsuyama Ehime 790-8577 Japan
(〒790-8577 愛媛県松山市文京町3)